For the Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life....Job 33:4 (NLT)....... †THE POWER OF PRAYER†


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Friday, September 9, 2011

Sure method of salvation.

Sure method of salvation

 the greatest matter of concern for any one of us is the eternal salvation of our soul.

We need to be saved, and, according to the Scriptures of truth, there is but one way of salvation; but that way does not happen to be in favor among the sons of men.

 The great popular principle, popular all over the world, no matter whether the people happen to be Protestant or Catholic, Parsee or Mahomedan, Brahminist or Buddhist, is self-salvation — they would reach eternal life by merit. 

There are differences about what is to be done, but the great universal principle of unregenerate man is that he is, somehow or other, to save himself. 

This is his principle, and the further he goes in it the less likely is he to be saved.

My object this morning is to bring before you the much despised principle which God has revealed as the only true one, namely, salvation by the grace of God, through Jesus Christ, by simple faith in him.

 We preach, at God’s command, the way of salvation by mercy, not by merit; by faith, not by works; by grace, not by the efforts of men. 

May God help us so to set forth that principle, that many may accept it. 
I do not care one snap of my finger about preaching so that the style shall please the ear, but I long to reach your hearts.

 I want you to receive the only sure method of salvation, and I pray the Holy Ghost to baptise my words in his own mighty fire, and make them to burn their way into your hearts, and subdue you to the obedience of faith.

From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "The Great Jail And How To Get Out Of It," delivered November 30, 1873.

Reflection and inspiration from the

"Prince of Preachers," 
Charles Haddon Spurgeon.

Copyright Statement
This resource was produced before 1923
and therefore is considered in the
"Public Domain". 

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