For the Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life....Job 33:4 (NLT)....... †THE POWER OF PRAYER†


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Saturday, October 8, 2011

The best news man ever heard

The best news man ever heard ¡¡¡

"Ye are brought with a price."
To every man of whom this may be said, it is the best news he ever heard. 
An angel sent from heaven could not bring to any man or woman here a more delightful message than this, “Thou art bought with a price, even with the precious blood of Christ.” 

“Ye are Christ’s,” says the apostle in the chapter we read to you (1 Corinthians 3.), 
and he seemed as if his heart glowed as he said it. 

He even made it the climax of a remarkable burst of eloquence. 
“Therefore let no man glory in men.

For all things are yours; whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, 
or death, or things present, or things to come; all are yours; and ye are Christ’s; 
and Christ is God’s.”

To be bought with a price is the grandest distinction of our manhood, 
and lifts us above angels themselves. 

It puts great honor upon the saints, even as the Lord has said, 
“Since thou wast precious in my sight, 
thou hast been honorable and I have loved thee."

From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled "Redemption And Its Claims," delivered March 8, 1874.

Reflection and inspiration 
from the "Prince of Preachers," 
Charles Haddon Spurgeon.
Copyright Statement
This resource was produced before 1923 and therefore is considered in the
"Public Domain". 

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