For the Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life....Job 33:4 (NLT)....... †THE POWER OF PRAYER†


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Monday, January 31, 2011

Awake out of Sleep !!!

Today's Reading: Exodus 25-26Matthew 20:17-34
Today's Thoughts: Awake out of Sleep
And [do] this, knowing the time, that now [it is] high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation [is] nearer than when we believed.  Romans 13:11
We are living in perilous times as Christians. Our freedoms are being threatened in more ways than any of us can fully grasp. The enemy is roaming about, seeking whom he may devour, and we are definitely his targets. But, his schemes are not always so blatant and clearly discerned. The greatest threat to us from the enemy is allowing ourselves to become complacent and operating on auto-pilot. 

We lose our passions to witness, our urgency for the lost to be saved, and even our first love, as Jesus talks about in Revelation chapter 3. But, it is not too late to wake up.

Today, our salvation is nearer than we first believed. Today is a day closer to the return of our Savior, Jesus Christ. 
Today could be the last day for us here on earth. Do we live with such a sense of urgency? Or, do we act as they did in the days of Noah? Noah preached for over 100 years as he built the ark. 

He warned the people of the day that was coming, a day of total destruction. But, the people did not listen and they carried on with their lives, even up until the rain started to fall and the door of the ark was shut. At what point did they wake up? It was too late. 

Let us not wait until it is too late. Let us look to the Lord today and ask Him to stir us like never before and to give us a sense of urgency and passion.
Let's pray this prayer together: Heavenly Father, I confess that I have allowed complacency into my life as a Christian. I have allowed life's comforts a place of priority, even over helping others. I know that I need to be awakened and stirred to see things through Your eyes and to have Your heart in these last days. Please fill me with Your Spirit this day and jolt my heart with a new awareness of the reality of these days I am living in. Please, Lord, make the rest of my days here on earth count for the kingdom of God. In Jesus name, Amen.