Thursday, December 8, 2011

Where He has placed each soldier

You have been wishing for another position where you could do something for Jesus: do not wish anything of the kind, but serve him where you are.

 If you are sitting at the King’s gate there is something for you to do there, and if you were on the queen’s throne, there would be something for you to do there; do not ask either to be gatekeeper or queen, but whichever you are, serve God therein. 

Brother, are you rich? God has made you a steward, take care that you are a good steward.
 Brother, are you poor? God has thrown you into a position where you will be the better able to give a word of sympathy to poor saints. 

Are you doing your allotted work? 
Do you live in a godly family? 
God has a motive for placing you in so happy a position. 

Are you in an ungodly house? 
You are a lamp hung up in a dark place; mind you shine there. 

Esther did well, because she acted as an Esther should, and Mordecai did well, 
because he acted as a Mordecai should. 

I like to think, as I look over you all, God has put each one of them in the right place, 
even as a good captain well arranges the different parts of his army, 
and though we do not know his plan of battle, it will be seen during the conflict that he has placed each soldier where he should be.

From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon entitled 
"Providence - As Seen In The Book Of Esther," 
delivered November 1, 1874.


Reflection and inspiration 
from the "Prince of Preachers," 
Charles Haddon Spurgeon.
Copyright Statement
This resource was produced before 1923 and therefore is considered in the"Public Domain". 
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